THE TRUTH — Unleashed

Doug Chandler
2 min readDec 23, 2020
Truth in rocks

My name is Doug Chandler

The following information will never be given to you by society or anyone else that seeks to control your life!

Do you know what the absolute best book in the world is?

Here are some clues:

· It has never actually been published.

· It is different for each one of us.

· It is added to on a daily basis.

· It is the only way to determine absolute truth.

That Book is YOU!

Think about it!

We learn best from personal experience which means that the best book in the world you can learn from is yourself!

What this means is that everyone would be learning something different based on their personal experiences and they would each be learning it from their own perspective.

This is an absolute disaster for those who want us to think the same way so that they can control us.

A dictatorship is where someone tells you something and expects you to believe it without question!

They submit control over us in this way!

An efficient way of learning from yourself and creating positive habits!

Learning how to read your book takes a little practice! You will need to start doing a couple of things that you will turn into good habits!

1. You will need to start clearing your mind of useless information! Society is very good at filling our minds with thoughts and ideas that are absolutely worthless, which clogs up our minds so that we can’t think clearly!

2. You will need to start becoming more honest with yourself! What this means is that you have determined, through personal experience, what is true or not! Rather than just repeating what others have told you!

Here is a question you should start asking yourself about all thoughts and ideas that come into your mind!

Asking this question ‘over and over’ again will clear your mind and will also help you to become more honest with yourself!

It is a simple one-step solution to self-improvement!

“If I was on my deathbed, would I look back at this thought as a defining moment in my life?”

This puts your thoughts into a very real perspective of whether they are Really important or not!

Once you have determined something is not important enough for you to worry about, simply delete that thought from your mind!

This will FREE up a spot in your mind for more productive thoughts!

A Great Way to Start Expanding Your Mind — Unleashed

This is another method I used for clearing up my mind!

The Truth Has Never Been Clearer


“If you can believe in yourself,

But focus on helping others,

Then you have the ability,

To change the world!” — Doug Chandler

